[LargeFormat] darkroom horrors (was philosophy)

Wilkes, Don MSER:EX largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 22 13:44:57 2002

> reason I figured at the longest, a weekend for the panel and 
> a weekend for
> the rest of the plumbing.  Guess I forgot the two weeks for 
> "testing" said plumbing  :)

We had our "amusing" moments with plumbing as well... My temperature control
system is nowhere near as elaborate as what you've fashioned (heck, I can't
identify most of the bits on that panel!) but there were times when banging
one's head against the wall seemed a rational course of action.  I think I
got away with only three or four trips to the plumbing supply place before
the job was done, which seems about average.
