[LargeFormat] Keeping Film Cool

Hornford, Dave largeformat@f32.net
Sun Mar 10 12:26:28 2002

I understand almost perfectly. My cameras  (LF & 35mm) go with me where
I'm going.=20
My conditions are often less than perfect.

The only area where my understanding is weak... What were you doing with
a defroster vent in the Mojave desert?  :-)

Regards Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: menso guk [mailto:deadcell@onebox.com]=20
Sent: March 10, 2002 9:51 AM
To: largeformat@f32.net
Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] Keeping Film Cool

I guess I came from some hard school teachings.
I have used a pillow case under blankets and comforters for a dark=20
bag. I have developed in the field in 117 degree heat (as soon as I
poured in the devo I pored it out). The heat in the mojave desert was
sooo hot in the car my plastic radio melted into the defroster vent.
(and radio still worked). Then used water out of the faucet hose to
rinse........... (maybe this will start a NEW round of comments????)


menso guk
deadcell@onebox.com - email
(510) 496-2740 x4396 - voicemail/fax