[LargeFormat] X-Rays and Hand Luggage (was Re: A new departure)

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 8 23:33:55 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clive Warren" <Clive.Warren@megacycle.co.uk>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 3:26 AM
Subject: [LargeFormat] X-Rays and Hand Luggage (was Re: A new departure)

| Brock,
| When the power is pumped up the effect on the film will be worse than
| having no shielded film bag at a lower power.  A lead lined bag that can't
| be "seen through" will at the very least lead to a hand inspection and
| arouse the suspicions of the people checking the hand luggage.
| There is a section on this in the Infrared FAQ at

Yes, the catch is that they may do a hand inspection of the bag if it's in
your carry-on bag.  If it's destined for the hold, all bets are off!

I've tried a few things... one was to take the holders empty with a new box
of film, still with the factory seal.  That worked a couple of times, but I
did have one security person run it through the x-ray machine.

After that, I tried 'visiting the washroom' before my flight with the film
in the box, and simply wedged it in my belt under my sweatshirt.  I know how
not to set off the metal detector now, and thus avoid any closer scrutiny
(the catch is to empty your pockets of everything as you'd expect, then move
as slowly through the arch as possible when the attendent is wanding someone
else).  I'm not sure I'd be game to try this post-9/11... the last flight I
was on they were x-raying shoes at one airport and cell phones at another!
I had to laugh when they checked the laptop and another person's
camcorder... as long as they powered up they were considered unthreatening.
What would stop you from putting something nasty in the tape slot or CD-ROM
drawer?  It scares me that they look so carefully at some things but
completely ignore others!  A slab of explosive scares me much more than a
razor blade in someone's shoe!  I think I have a better chance of surviving
some slashes before beating the bad guy into a pulp than I do of being
blasted through the side of the plane!

| Being relaxed about life and the hassle of air travel is a desirable goal,
| however you can relax a lot more when you know that you have covered a few
| of the potential curves that life may throw your way.....

Very true.  I just look at the process as a cumulative thing.  If I can
avoid as many X-ray doses as possible, the few doses the film sheets do get
won't be as much of a problem.  I don't think it's possible to cover all the
bases... you just have to steal one when you can ;-)
