[LargeFormat] X-Rays and Hand Luggage (was Re: A new departure)

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 8 06:29:01 2002

At 20:20 07/03/02 -0800, Brock Nanson wrote:
>The thing to remember is that exposure to x-rays is cumulative... So if you
>carry film with your hand luggage and the number of scans between purchase
>and process is kept to a minimum, unless you are using fast film and/or they
>are using the super-scanners, you should be OK.
>I was very concerned about this in the past.  Now I use the lead bags and
>don't bother asking for the hand inspection.  Sure, they might pump up the
>power to see into the bag, but hopefully the shielding will be of some use.
>Don't forget, almost every tourist carries a camera, and most don't ever
>consider the x-ray risks.  Stories of damaged film certainly exist but I
>suspect that, like bear attacks, the risk is lower than you would expect.


When the power is pumped up the effect on the film will be worse than 
having no shielded film bag at a lower power.  A lead lined bag that can't 
be "seen through" will at the very least lead to a hand inspection and 
arouse the suspicions of the people checking the hand luggage.

There is a section on this in the Infrared FAQ at http://www.infraredfaq.org

Being relaxed about life and the hassle of air travel is a desirable goal, 
however you can relax a lot more when you know that you have covered a few 
of the potential curves that life may throw your way.....
