[LargeFormat] A new departure

Hornford, Dave largeformat@f32.net
Thu Mar 7 13:25:17 2002

You may have additional security and inspection as FedEx moves the item
through customs into China.

I don't need my own account to 'borrow' one. I receive FedEx packages
regularly with the senders account codes on it.

Regards Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin M. Bell [mailto:newsgroups@cameracollectors.com]=20
Sent: March 6, 2002 9:12 PM
To: largeformat@f32.net
Subject: RE: [LargeFormat] A new departure

At 07:40 PM 3/6/2002, you wrote:
>I would suggest that you enquire with FedEx and UPS about film - I=20
>would suspect that the most likely screening will be with a 'sniffer'=20
>rather than an X-ray. The challenge with an x-ray would be the wide=20
>variety of legitimate items that will raise suspicion. I would expect=20
>that FedEx, UPS & USPS are all re-evaluating their screening - and may=20
>be less than forthcoming about their screening methods.
>Regards Dave

I have enquired with FedEx, as I use them for shipping.  I was
interested as I will be in China early next year, and thought it might
preferable to ship film to my hotel rather than carry it through the=20
airport screening process.  It may be that FedEx is using a 'sniffer',
that shouldn't affect film.  It may also be that they are less than=20
forthcoming, but I would expect that to open them to liability - if a=20
professional photographer found their film damaged after being told=20
specifically that x-rays would not be used, a lawsuit and real damage to

their credibility and desirability as a shipper would be inevitable.

Am I automatically a good guy because I have an account?  Obviously not,

but it does make it less likely that a well established business with
of track record would use a traceable account to cause trouble.  A
of common sense is needed in the post-September 11 world.

Kevin M. Bell

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