[LargeFormat] Help, scratches on negative..

Achal Pashine largeformat@f32.net
Tue Mar 5 12:31:02 2002

Thank you Jim and Uncle Dick,

It is quite clear now, I will make suitable arrangements to acquire such a

>     You have one priceless advantage right now - you have already
>developed some film in the dark and that means you have access to a
>darkroom and you are not afraid to be in there.

Darkness, no problem. I do have a bathroom as a darkroom and in the research
lab where I work, a proper darkroom. Timers are no problem, I have count up
and count down timers with three channels.

>     Wash those negs well. Filter your water if you are not lucky enough
>to have a pure clean Australian source*

Last time, I washed the negatives in a tray with fast running tap water. On
the other list I am on, I heard that forced tap water can cause damage to
negatives like the scratches I have seen. I need to devise some alternative
there too.

>Use a washing aid if need be -
I use LFN agent.

Thanks for being so helpful. Indeed, I am learning so many things here just
by lurking around! :)
