[LargeFormat] Ebay Madness

Robert Mayrand largeformat@f32.net
Tue Feb 5 11:14:00 2002


Yes they have some right, the same thing as an estate agent. If someone get
in touch with you trough an estate agent while you are under his contract,
then decide after the contract is over that he wants to buy the house
directly from you. The estate company has legal right to a comission on the
sale. The parallel with ebay is easy to see. I doubt they would take other
measure than a simple suspension....but they could.

An other aspect is that ebay assure their member that they will receive no
non-sollicited email. Wich may be reported if you contact sellers of auction
already ended

Also I said that I use this tactic a lot, I must also say that I buy trough
ebay a lot. The only reason I don't feel too bad to sometime contact and buy
outside ebay is that I think the supplement you pay by passing trough ebay
is for the security they give for the transaction. If you can live without
security, there should be no fee. I also buy item wich would have never sold
because their initial bid was too high, or already listed twice.


undOn 2/5/02 1:52 AM, "Jim" <jim@visualimpressions.com> wrote:

> HUH??? The auction is over. No one bid. eBay neither owns the item nor the
> right of the actual owner to do as he pleases with it. He could crush it if
> he/she so pleases. Or put it on a Yahoo auction.
> So after an auction is FINISHED, ENDED, KAPUT, NO BIDS, how on earth can
> eBay tell anyone what they can or cannot do.
> Answer... they cannot.
> And anyone is a fool to think that one cannot, or should not, buy something
> that is out of an auction by default. And this is not a fee avoidance
> tactic. It is simply expressing what one party is willing to pay, and the
> other party can accept or reject. Simple as that. Auction finished and done
> with.
> Jim