[LargeFormat] Polaroid Film

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Mon Feb 4 18:07:11 2002

Dear Achal,

     One of the first things you will learn is how much the Polaroid large
format film costs! You may change your mind and learn on cheaper B/W sheet

     In any case, the 400 ASA stuff is way more use to learn from than the
3200 ASA stuff, presuming they still make it. The sepia film was lovely but
even more expensive and was only available round here for a limited time -
trying out the market.

    Colour is an option - I personally think the Fuji version of the
Polaroid gives truer colour but I am not sure if it is made in 4 x 5 sheet -
in any event you can use the true Polly stuff if you remember to make a note
of the room and film temperature and then let the sheet develop for the
appropriate time as per the chart on the pack.

    Back onto the costs - make me wonder why Polaroid have gotten into
trouble if the film is so dear.

     Uncle Dick