[LargeFormat] Temperature and a lot of digression

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jan 28 05:22:00 2002

Dear Hornford,

     Or should I say Cousin Week Knees Hornford....

    I can safely say that the younger generation are all soft. Why, when I
was Growing Up in Calgary we thought nothing of playing out in the snow at -
40 degrees Celsius. And we didn't have these modern snow suits either. A
couple of animal skins and one mitten ( Did I mention that we were
desperately poor and could only afford one mitten? We took turns having our
fingers amputated from frostbite. I used to go bare handed but kept the more
important parts covered in the mitten. THAT'S why I have offspring....)

     Where was I? The Canadian whether. Whether to go outside and get your
nostrils frozen shut or stay inside and roast over the hot air duct.I have
passed from that vale of tears and lost mittens. Now it is the Australian
whether. Whether to go outside and grow another centimetre on the melanoma
or stay inside in the darkroom and print.

    Neither. Call me Mr. Stitch. Working on the principle that you can do
anything if no-one tells you you can't ( And even then if you are a half
hour into the project you might as well finish it. This explains a lot of
British aircraft design....) I made 2-3metre by 6 metre silver cloth
backdrops for the glamour section of the studio. The old Bernina came
through with flying bobbins. Which brings me up to the point of the post:

    I made the backdrops to capitalize on the 14th of February. I figure
Valentines Day with silver and red hearts and a lot of soft focus and
Meaningful Looks will be a winner with the customers. I am even going to
invest in a bunch of discount red roses.

    Now, Girls, help me out. Suggestions, please, for other days in the year
that I can target for portrait and glamour work. VD is a natural, we don't
have Homecoming Queens down here in Australia, except along Oxford Street
and that is a market I don't want to encourage, and I doubt anyone wants
ANZAC Day nudie pictures. I've seen Anzacs in the nude and I wouldn't bother

    So - Make My Day. How can I sell up more pictures?

    Uncle Dick

     PS: It was Australia Day 2 days ago and it must have been a good one as
I am still coughing blood.