[LargeFormat] start doing some photography

Tom Prack largeformat@f32.net
Thu Jan 17 18:58:04 2002

Clive, yes start doing some photography.

I'm now here since a few weeks and amazed over the high knowledgment
of all the users of f32. At the moment I have a lot of work with my 
photos but  next time I will set an article in the f32 forum with an
landscape photo from the Grandagon 155.
Also have now renewed my Homepage so "come in"
and have a look:

I felt free and made a link to f32, is this ok for you?
At the moment I have only scanned the polaroids and works on paper
I have now, but when I get the chance to scan my 8x10" trancparencies.
and at the moment I don't know how to do this, then I would like to 
show 2 of them in the f32 forum for all our friends that
they can have a look what a Grandagon 155 made quality.
At least a question for the workshop, can you tell me the prices
of developing 8x10" transparencies and negs. because they are not
included in the workshop fee. 
Last time in Salzburg I worked with a Lotus View 8x10" and was 
very satisfied, because the development was fast and in high class.

So have a nice friday and I hope hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.