[LargeFormat] A most useful manufacturer...

Hornford, Dave largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 16 11:03:29 2002

My Sinar has a very lovely Birchwood & brass lens board, and has a
rugged travel case courtesy of Rubbermaid & closed cell foam. Everything
else has been acquired from diverse manufacturers - now, for my
aquariums Home Company has provided stands, sumps, filters, refugia,
light-systems, aquascaping material (following childhood friend turned
geologist to exposed ancient reefs all over the parts of the Rockies
where rock collection is legal - if I take the camera I always find a
larger rock)
regards Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: rstein [mailto:rstein@bigpond.net.au]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 8:47 AM
To: largeformat@f32.net
Subject: [LargeFormat] A most useful manufacturer...

Dear Friends,

     Don Feinberg's reply on the subject of the survey of field cameras
disclosed that he gets a number of pieces of equipent from the same
manufacturer that I do. The Home company.

      Indeed this fine firm seems to have its finger on the pulse of the
traditional photo world and has a vast number of branches. I have quite
few special items from them and I would be willing to bet that the other
members of the list do too. Let's find out exactly what.

    Well, Don has the reflex viewer and cherrywood camera. I use the
made wooden tripod and one-size paper easels for darkroom work. As the
I neede were not manufactured by other firms I turned to them and they
able to accommodate me.

    What other fine home products do you all keep on your equipment

     Uncle Dick

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