[LargeFormat] Goerz 9 1/2" Dagor

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jan 14 16:01:23 2002

At 9:53 am -0600 14/1/02, Ken Hough wrote:
>I shoot with Deardorff. All my cameras have bellows that allow very short
>lenses and still fully extend. Lens choice on my 11x14 is a 9 1/2 in 
>Dagor for the wide and a 36" F10 Eastman for the long.

How do find coverage of the 9 1/2" Dagor Ken?  I have one of these - 
nothing fancy like the Gold rim/dot but a good working lens in Ilex 
shutter. From the lens specs. it covers an image circle of about 
340mm - 10mm short of 14". Presumably the edges are not quite up to 
the centre resolution?

Have yet to use the lens on 5x7 where there will be plenty of movement.
