[LargeFormat] Tray development

Amos Peek largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 2 04:26:05 2002

Happy New year everbody
I read from a number of previous e-mails all about the virtues of tray 
development and wounder what I have been doing wrong. can I say that I have 
never had the confidence to do this with exposed film but have had numerous 
practices with out of date stock. The method came from reading Adam's book 
on the neg. I use a daylight tank with hangers, make unknown (six)

4 trays  1 water for presoak 2 dev 3 stop 4 fix
film 1 at a time into presoak, making sure that emulsions dont touch (All 
same way up) at least 3 mins between films. When the required number are in 
stack say 5 transfer into dev one at a time again all same way round. Now my 
problem starts in the water bath, they stick, or if I am very lucky they 
stick in the developer bath, the instruction," when all are stacked like a 
pack of cards" set timer and start transfering from bottom to top, until 
developng time is up then transfer singly and in order into the stop bath. 
has never been achieved. Can I also say that because I practiced on old 
film, I did all mine in the light .

I suppose I should take the advise that has already been given do then one 
at a time. But time is not always what I have.

Again Happy New Year to you all


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