[LargeFormat] Rodenstock Sironar 180mm f5.6 - Convertible

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 8 10:20:00 2001

At 3:13 pm -0700 7/12/01, Karl Wolz wrote:
>Remove the front element.  Focus the camera on a near-infinity object, and
>measure the distance from the lensboard to the groundglass.  Or if the lens
>is not mounted, simply use a white wall and move the lens back and forth
>till you get an image on the wall and approximate the distance to the wall.
>You could try the same thing using the front cell alone and compare the
>Want to trade for a 360 Tele-Xenar?  Old (1957, I think) but good.


Thanks for the suggestions - the lens is unmounted and looks as 
though it has never been used. It will probably get used for 5x7 but 
is an unknown quantity at the moment. I have been able to find out 
very little about it - would really be interested in any feedback 
from someone who has used a similar lens.

Thought you were rather keen on using that 360mm Tele-Xenar for 
portraiture.  Looking for something longer now?

There is a 15" Tele-Optar already in the kit bag for making 
portraiture focusing difficult - nothing that a bit of rope and a 
head board won't cure ;-)
