[LargeFormat] upgrading a Super Angulon

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Mar 19 05:58:00 2001

At 18:53 18/03/01 +0000, Clive Warren wrote:
>At 4:36 pm +0000 17/3/01, philip Lambert wrote:
>>I have the opportunity to upgrade from  a 47mm f8 Super Angulon to an f5.6
>>version, (similar vintage) used on Arca 6x9 negatives and transparencies.
>>The f5.6 has a much bigger front cell, relatively speaking (it's still  a
>>small lens). Apart from a brighter screen image does the f5.6 SA give wider
>>coverage or better corner illumination/definition that the f8 ?  The extra
>>cost is about $75 but the f5.6 sticks on B and might need a service.  I have
>>some statistics about the f5.6 but nothing comparable for the F8.  Thanks
>There are a set of lens specs on the f32 sites which include coverage for 
>the f5.6 and f8 Super Angulon.  The f5.6 gives 170mm image circle whilst 
>the f8 gives 155mm.

Whoops!  Just gave the image circle information for the 65mm rather than 
the 47mm.  The 47mm Super Angulon has an image circle of 123mm.  There is 
no information in the f32 lens specs. section for the 47mm f8 Super 
Angulon.  If you are able to supply the specifications then I'll add the 
info. to the table.

All the best,
                 Clive   http://www.f32.net
                         Large Format Travel and Stock Photography