[LargeFormat] cheaper scanner for negs - some options?

Frantisek largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 16 12:34:00 2001

	Thanks for the tip. SM4 would be great of course. But although it gets
discontinued, the _creeps_ here in Czech selling it have not lowered the
price even one crown. So it still sits at twice the price of X12USL. I
checked the link from this list, and the dealer there in USA sells SM4 at
HALF THE PRICE they sell in Czech! I was frustrated when I noticed that
shipping/handling would cost me additional 400$ :( I hope perhaps they will
lower the price here too, or I can get one from some European dealer
(smuggling it into Czech rep. :)
	Frantisek (anything optical that's produced by _computer_ company stinks.
Just what lenses does Epson or others put into their scanners? I guess some
uncoated singlets :)

[Clive wrote:]
>If you can find one, the Microtek ScanMaker 4 has a transparency tray 
>Probably the best deal out there at the moment if you can find one 
>before they are all snapped up.
>All the best,
>            Clive Warren