[LargeFormat] Rapax shutter CLA

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Feb 28 05:18:02 2001

At 18:23 26/02/01 -0800, Les Newcomer wrote:
>Somebody on this list will probably want to smash my hands in the
>ferrotyping machine, but I always thought the Rapax and the Graphex
>shutter are/were the same.
>I have taken the front off, the speed selector off (the equivialent of
>removing the air cleaner) and looking under the bonnet. On occassion the
>'splash and dash' trick--hit it with aerosol Trichlor, or contact
>cleaner has worked for me.  It removes the old oil from the pivot points
>and I re-lube with some clock oil and a toothpick. I won't say it
>replaces a good engine rebuild, but it may delay it. However, I will
>reluctantly admit this does not work when oil is on the blades.
>Clive Warren wrote:

> >
> > I have CLAd a few shutters but never a Rapax. This one is quite
> > compact and I'm wondering if this is one that would be best left to
> > the repair man. Has anyone been inside a Rapax and if so, any
> > pointers or should I leave it for the pros.?
> >

You're safe from the ferrotyping machine :-)  The Rapax and the Graphex 
shutters are both made by Wollensak.  The Graphex was made for Graflex, 
presumably for use on the range of 4x5 press and view cameras available at 
the time.

It's good to know that the little Rapax is nearly as accessible as the 
Supermatic.  Invariably the spindle holes have elongated and in the worst 
cases cause gear wheels to jam.  My repair chappy does a good job on these 
without having to bush them.  Bushing the holes would be the best solution 
but rather expensive.

Thanks for the suggestions - finding trich in the UK is not easy.  The 
aerosol solution sounds ideal.  I normally end up using iso alcohol, 
particularly when there is any oil on the shutter blades, and having to try 
to reach all moving parts without dismantling.

All the best,
                 Clive   http://www.f32.net
                         Large Format Travel and Stock Photography