[LargeFormat] A daylight tank for 4x5

philip Lambert largeformat@f32.net
Fri Dec 22 14:51:06 2000

Has anybody experience of using peel-apart Polaroid positive and negative
materials that need to be fixed/hardened in a tray of solution immediately
after exposure?  I would like to try the film out but don't see how I can
use it when when photographing a cathedral or country house.  Obviously if I
can work near the open tailgate of my car processing is possible but walking
round the site it would be difficult.  Do you carry a closed Tupperware box
of fixer and negatives around?  Don't the prints need coating with
something? Philip
> Tray processing is good if you are good at it .. Takes a lot of practise
> interleave 6-10 sheets without scratching, marring, blotching, etc.  Any
> drum would be more consistent than a beginner with a tray, and I dont know
> about you but I hate uneven developed skies !