[Jacob-list] Wool Mattress

Margaret farfarawayfarm at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 27 19:05:52 EST 2016

I am thinking about making wool filled comforters. A mattress sounds interesting too.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2016, at 11:49 AM, TL Higgins <ranchrat at telusplanet.net> wrote:
> Heel low:
> Had Jacobs since 2003, so I have hundreds of pounds of Jacob fleeces that I have shorn and stored...good thing as I would like to make a wool mattress, king size running about five inches deep.  I like a firm mattress and I see some on offer for over $2,600 US...thinking Whoo Hoo...eh!
> Anyone made one or know of the existence of a wool mattress?  I hear they may be restuffed and hung out on the line in the sunshine every so often with some over 50 years young!  Wool is naturally fire repellent and since my sheep have not been exposed to any noxious chemicals...not like a new mattress with things like memory foam and glues, etc. to poison you with.  Hoping to make a naturally wonderful sleeping arrangement.  I also have four ganders to  process and thinking...add some feather pillows and voila...natural self-sufficiency at its finest.
> Is anyone able to assist moi in this rather fun project?  :-D
> Doggone,
> Tara  
> Alberta, Canada  
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