[Jacob-list] Jacob sheep: St. Jude's Farm flock dispersal

Frederick Horak jacobflock at aol.com
Sat Jul 6 16:49:45 EDT 2013

Dear Listers - Time and temperature have conspired to set an end to my shepherding and our flock. We have a flock of about 100 but roughly half of them are reserved for research. About a dozen of our sheep are going to a veterinarian next week (parasite research), nearly 2 dozen (G444R carriers) have already gone to a university. Departing stock trailers is a time of sadness but some of the departing sheep will leave a continuing mark as their departure means the warehouse of knowledge will be larger.

We still have some of our pure bred Jacobs (both registered and unregistered and all with pedigrees) which will be available to interested breeders. We are sorry it has come to an end for us. If you are interested in any sheep or curiosity has bitten you; you can see our sheep at www.stjudesfarm.weebly.com

St. Jude's Farm and the flock here in Lucas TX will be gone in about 30 days; If you want you can call Joan or me at 972-727-0900 or send an email.

Regards = Fred Horak
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