[Jacob-list] LGD

Skye skye.wolfe at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 14:03:07 EDT 2012

We have a beautiful pyr.. she's only 10 months old but does her job well..
we got her at 8 weeks and as we had bottle babies.. she was brought up
mainly with them and let outside constantly under supervision from day 1
with the sheep and goats..She has never been allowed out/off the property
unless she is in a car.. as pyrs have such a protective instinct if u give
them 5 acres.. they want 50, give them 50 acres, they want 500..they are
also very independent and stubborn... but very very gentle.. i have
pictures of her where her underbelly is covered in lovebites from where she
tried nursing 1 of the lambs..another of her carrying a raw egg in her
mouth all day that she hijacked from the chicken coop and tried to hatch..
not 1 crack in the egg... In total we have 7 dogs each has their own job
around the property... including coyote control.. as someone ( i think neal
) mentioned.. coyotes are becoming more cunning and getting more of a pack
mentality..i have seen for myself this to be true.. where 3 of my dogs ( a
GS a Great Dane and a Retriever chased off 4 coyotes that were stalking our
old ..deaf and very senile border collie.. the coyotes laid down and **
submitted ** and my dogs backed off.. each time they headed back the
coyotes upped and resumed their * stalking*...2 days ago coyotes attacked
and killed my neighbours dog......each day my sheep and goats roam freely
with our pyr in their midst.. each night they are locked up with her.
On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 7:25 AM, Lorraine Nielsen <fourwinds at gotsky.com>wrote:

> Karen,


> We have been reluctant, also, to invest in LGDs for some of the reasons

> you mention. However, we have been very pleased with our guard llama, who

> is definitely hard-wired against canines, and who alerts us to predators

> (bear, coyote, mountain lion) even in the middle of the night. My

> understanding from a few other folks who have used llamas is that as a

> guard animal you need a singleton. If there is a pair or more, since they

> are social animals, just like sheep, they will pay attention to each other

> and not to the sheep. We also lock up our ewes at night in their shelter,

> for added protection.


> Lorraine


> Lorraine Nielsen

> Shear Bliss/Four Winds Farm

> fourwinds at gotsky.com

> www.fourwindswool.com

> 530.284.0971


> --- kaskounis at threefatesjacobs.com wrote:


> From: "Karen Askounis" <kaskounis at threefatesjacobs.com>

> To: <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>

> Subject: [Jacob-list] LGD

> Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 09:01:38 -0500


> Thanks Linda & Lorri – helpful info. The wandering has been one of my

> concerns which is why I haven’t used LGD’s before. I do have a donkey, he

> was in the field that we had the losses in. Not sure if he kept losses to 1

> each time or did nothing. Seems he has done a good job for us up to now – 6

> years with no losses. But I have only 1 donkey. I have llamas (adopted from

> neighbor in financial distress). There are two together – not sure if they

> are functioning as predator control or not. They ‘manage’ a different

> pasture. My worries with a wandering dog is we have neighbors with

> frequently free dogs (they won’t use the invisible fence present on

> property when they bought it!) – they don’t come over so far except to run

> the fence with our pet dogs. We have free ranging turkeys, peacocks and

> cats that the neighbors dogs haven’t bothered so far either. So lots of

> ‘things’ for a LGD to leave alone. The donkey has shown aggressive behavior

> toward dogs approaching his fence line so lots of concern with a LGD

> getting in with him. Also neighbor has 4 children so can’t be aggressive

> toward people (in general). Lots of challenges.




> I would guess I would need to find an LGD raised with other farm critters

> and already socialized to them. Still undecided. Your replies will be

> helpful in my decision making.




> Thanks!




> Karen Askounis


> Three Fates Farm


> Crete, IL


> kaskounis at threefatesjacobs.com



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