[Jacob-list] Rejected lamb

Katherine Wisor creeksendfarm at mac.com
Thu May 12 21:00:58 EDT 2011

Yearlings often need to LEARN to be a mother. I had the same problem
with mine but I delivered him. She was Screaming when I got home. I
know something was wrong when we drove in the drive because the Llamas
were staring into the sheep/goat pen. It took 10 min to get him out.
I don't know how long I worked on him to get him breathing. We held
her and forced her to stay by him. Her Mother helped too she licked
off the baby too. . When she finally licked him it was over two hours
later. They have bonded and are doing well now. In midwifery even
humans need to be taught basic mothering techniques sometimes....
Yours will have a good home . Next year will be better..... Katherine

Katherine Wisor RN / Farmer
12700 Red Rock Road Reno Nevada , 89508 704-488-5000

On May 12, 2011, at 7:38 AM, Joshua Bourget wrote:

> Hello everyone, I had a yearling ewe first time mom lamb yesterday

> with a great 2 horned ram lamb that she wanted nothing to do with. I

> was unaware of her being about to lamb, and threw hay to them quick

> then i noticed she was having it. I watched him come out, and then

> the mother ran over and started eating hay, didnt lick him off at

> all, and after i cleaned him and let him nurse a little off her, she

> still wouldnt let him neer. I brought him into the house, and gave

> him colustrum and a few bottles, and today my girlfriends taking him

> to a friend of ours who has goats, and they are going to raise him

> on a does milk from their farm. I have no time for a bottle baby

> working 55 hours a week,


> So my question is this...Will this ewe be a better mother next time

> around? and actually care for her lamb? or should i consider

> removing her from my flock. Has anybody had experience with bad

> first time moms that turned out to be great moms once they were

> older?? i hate to get rid of her but i only have room for productive

> members of the flock and if she isnt going to raise her lambs thats

> not what i want. I will try to re breed her this fall and see if she

> will support a lamb next year.


> Josh Bourget

> www.fiercehornfarm.com

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