[Jacob-list] Bo-Se

avillionfarm at avillionfarm.com avillionfarm at avillionfarm.com
Thu Jun 16 14:52:27 EDT 2011

Hi Sue,

I am in the piedmont of NC and we have spotty marginal Se areas around
here. Se deficiency was never a problem for me until I moved about 45
min. NW of my former location and began using different (local) hay. I
found I need to give 0.5 cc sc to my angora goat kids at birth. The vet I
work with out at NCSU considers it it too risky to give it to the adults
when they are pregnant. What is really odd is that I have never found
that I had to give it to my Shetland sheep or my husband's Jacob sheep.

All the best, Elaina

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