[Jacob-list] Question on "Lumpy" Jaw

Carol LUSSKY sarbuddy at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 24 18:44:31 EST 2011

A friend of mine has been having trouble with one of her dogs who has developed
an area on his lower jaw where the tissue keeps dieing.  Initially the Vet
thought he had been bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider but this tissue
deterioration has reoccurred two times in the same spot.  The first two times
the Vet removed a bunch of tissue thinking that he got it all.  This last time
he removed tissue and a chunk of jawbone (with 3 teeth).  This is on an 18 month
old German Short Haired pointer.

Each time the tissue has been submitted for pathology and they have not been
able to determine a cause.  This last time the cause was also undetermined but,
because she has 3 alpacas that the dog has access to and because he has been in
the fields where my sheep are, they think it might by "lumpy jaw".

I know a lot of you have guard dogs with your flocks...has anyone ever heard of
such a thing?  She's at wits end trying to figure out what could be causing the
tissue to die.  Can anybody provide insight?

Elgin IL
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