[Jacob-list] Your thoughts on re-seeding pastures in the South

SovreignFarms at aol.com SovreignFarms at aol.com
Sat Apr 9 19:19:56 EDT 2011

Hello Everyone.....

I received the following post from a Katahdin breeder who has done a lot of
research on re-seeding pasture here in the southern states for successful
sheep raising.

<<<< I've also been digging up a lot of the old historical literature on
old forage crops they used in the deep south before the advent of synthetic
fertilizers. Here in North Florida I have fairly decent soil, high and dry
and already have good stands of winter clovers, as well as good stands of
argentine bahia that grows lush without any fertilizer. I've also set up
paddocks to grow and rotate sheep on of the AU lezpedeza. It should be a
good problem solver. I've read articles where it has done wonders in S.Africa
on it's dry poor sandy soils, it's a source of nitrogen good quality
forage comparable to alfalfa without the bloat risk, and has the type of
tannins that knock down parasite loads. I know from local farmers back in the
70/80's they tried older types of lezpedeza that either the cattle didn't
like, or liked to much and grazed it to death. This new variety is supposed
to regenerate well with high palatability and I know a guy in Alabama that
keeps some Katahdins and uses it and loves it. >>>>

I've looked at a few of the websites he told me about, and it is very
interesting the pasture can assist with parasite control. We would like to
reseed & rotate our pastures continuously through the growing season, and I
was wondering if anyone had any direct experience with this in their pastures.
I have included some websites that discuss this.


_www.ag.auburn.edu/ay/mosjidis_ (http://www.ag.auburn.edu/ay/mosjidis)

Sharon Lehrke
Sovreign Farms Jacobs
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