[Jacob-list] Coat or Not-to-coat

Jaci Siehl sugarpinejacobs at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 14 13:38:26 EDT 2010

My fleeces are relatively clean from vm (hay), but coating properly definitely is the way to go for me.  Many people object to coated sheep because the fleeces are compressed (look like giant marshmellows) because the coats were a bit too small by the time the fleece grew out.  I was guilty of these for years since I could still feel a lot of space between the coat and the body of the animal.  But I did learn that a bit larger coat makes the fleece feel almost naked. 
A year ago when I sheared, I had one ewe I never could keep a coat on so just gave up and let her go au-natural.  The shearer actually found 2 small pine cones and a few acorn tops stuck in the base of her fleece.  She actually had a small scratch on her skin from where she continued to against one of the pine cones to remove it....all she did was to drive it deeper and caused a sore spot.
At least removing pine cones and acorns makes skirting rather fast.

Jaci Siehl
Sugarpine Jacobs

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