[Jacob-list] foot stomping/rams

Linda patchworkfibers at windstream.net
Tue Oct 5 19:35:02 EDT 2010

I had an amazingly gentle ram, Jacquee's Junco. I got him when he was
five and his previous owners had hand fed him and led him on a halter
for Christmas pageants.

One day I was standing next to him when a wasp came by. He swung his
head and hit my hand with his horns - not on purpose, but still a good
bit of damage. The power in the neck of a ram with massive horns is
immense and to be respected at all times.

I'm with Robin on halter breaking ram lambs. I've only been doing it the
last few years, but it greatly simplifies my ram handling. It makes the
rams more used to being handled. The most dangerous time, for me, in
catching a ram is when you have one cornered and he's so scared of being
touched that he either charges you or jumps over your head (hopefully
OVER your head).

I don't know what others have found - and would like to hear, but I've
found that yearling rams are quite easily intimidated. Two year old rams
aren't quite so easy.


Patchwork Farm Jacob Sheep <http://www.patchworkfibers.com>

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