[Jacob-list] chronic diarrhea

Karen Askounis countylinepets at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 18 12:34:00 EDT 2010


Had similar problem with a ewe, actually for even longer. For what is worth
I was so at the end of my rope I tried with penicillin and continued with
probiotic. It was the first time I saw normal pellets in almost a year! Not
sure really what I was treating but it worked. Should ask your vet anyway
what he thinks. She had a brief relapse when turned out again but has not
needed more treatment. Hope it helps. She hasn't lost her nick name yet -
"crap-ass Patty". I am waiting for sign that it really is gone for good J

Karen Askounis

Three Fates Farm

Crete, IL

kaskounis at threefatesjacobs.com

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