[Jacob-list] : Jacob Sheep in Magazine

Linda patchworkfibers at windstream.net
Tue Sep 15 18:23:17 EDT 2009

The area in front of the chain is really blown out - probably from the
flash? What makes it odd is the linear shadow along the bottom of the
white facial marking.

Thanks for sharing the picture! I can see that changing the coats makes
a difference - his fleece still has some character. I love how black his
black is!


Barbara Schultz wrote:



> If you hit the enlarge circle,( makes the picture really large)

> it becomes clear what appears over the

> nose. It is hard to tell from the small picture what it is.


> Barbara



> Barbara Schultz


> www.greenwaterfarm.com





> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Patchwork Farm Jacob Sheep <http://www.patchworkfibers.com>
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