[Jacob-list] miniJacobs

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 14 03:34:54 EDT 2009

I have gotten at least one smallish - or miniJacob every year since 2006 when I used a full size ram I got from Carl in IN. 4Horn Farm Frank is fine but, has produced  minis with DIFFERENT EWES, so I am pretty sure it is his genetics - he is an A-ram.  The first year, 2006 was Tinkerbelle out of Spahr Farm Ramona and she was sold as a pet to Jeremy Adams who traded her to my fried Dennis who still has her. And she produced a normal size lamb.  In 2007 it was a ram and he went the locker lamb route.  In 08 and 09, I got two  2H smallish ewes from Frank's son and a 2005 Pineview ewe who did deliver a nice lilac in 2007 bred to a Moonstruck lilac sire (Henry).  Also this year I have a tiny 4H ewe out of a Spahr Farm girl that has produced normals in the past bred to Frank and Fritz.
So, there must be a gene/allelle for small size that keeps popping up and tt must be a bit rare or I would get more tiny lambs.
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