[Jacob-list] thank you.

Fresia(Francie) fabrega at pacbell.net
Sun Sep 13 13:45:00 EDT 2009

Thank you wonderful Jacobs breeders for all your great information.  I found a local breeder today by chance that has the Miniature Jacobs and has ewes for sale n of course rams which I may pass on for now until next.  I am hoping to be able to see their babies maybe even today.  Many blessinsgs to you, your family and your flocks of wonderful and beautiful Jacobs.........

Fresia(Francie) Fabrega Brevis-Martinez
Parcela Huemul, Casa Machi Hue
Home of Shetland and Jacob Sheep & Auraucana Chickens
Deer Park, Washington, USA
Teh.(Ps. 122)
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