[Jacob-list] winter shearing

schmick54 at aol.com schmick54 at aol.com
Tue Nov 25 23:12:05 EST 2008

We shear 6 weeks before lambing. Lambing for us in N. Colorado begins the second week in March. We put lots of deep straw in our sheds to keep our girls warm. It can get pretty damned cold and sometimes we'll get a wonderful "springy" day for shearing followed by icy cold and snowy a day or two later. Usually they shiver a little during the first week. Thereafter they get used to the cold and don't seem to mind at all.

I have read (The Shepherd) that 7 weeks prior to lambing brings a big and healthy crop. December shearing might not be a bad idea, since your lambing will be staggered. Can you "stagger" the shearing ? Can you "crotch" the early ones ?

?We usually shear the gang in February and one year,a week before lambing(1st day of Spring) it snowed 32"? !!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net>
To: Jacob-list <Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
Sent: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 6:23 pm
Subject: [Jacob-list] winter shearing

I really like to shear before lambing, although we don't always manage it. ?We usually lamb in mid to late March and shear the first or second week of March. This year, we staggered breeding and will have lambs coming in February through April, with a break the first week of March (hopefully :-)

I'm in northern Georgia, where we don't have the bitter cold temps of further north. It can be below freezing for a few days, though, and ice storms are not unusual in January and February. Our shelter is fairly basic - a 30' by 16' three sided barn. It's backed into a bank and has a low ceiling, so does retain some heat, but is not "toasty". ?The rams are in the woods with a tarp barn.


For those of you that will be shearing this fall or winter, how cold can be it be before you worry about shearing? What sort of shelter do you provide? ?Is it perhaps better to shear two months before lambing if you manage to get a good day for it? I'm wondering about shearing in December.


Thanks for any advice.




Registered Jacob Sheep, Handspun Yarn ?

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