[Jacob-list] Ectopic Ureter in a baby ewe

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Fri Mar 28 19:14:47 EDT 2008

In one of the JSC Journals, Fred Horak had a listing of genetic and congenital deformities with the reported occurrences in Jacob Sheep. He would be a good resource and I hope he'll post. Mary Ellen Hansson put a lot of work into a Jacob Sheep research project and collected detailed information on just about every thing Jacob. She may have heard of it in Jacob Sheep. I haven't, but I have a small flock and haven't (thank goodness) seen everything that can go wrong.

>From your vet's question, I infer that this could be either a genetic issue or a birth defect and she's trying to decide if it could be genetic? Is it a known genetic problem in sheep in general? It's always rough to have a problem with a lamb, especially those nearly perfect ones!


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn


> SO, What I am asking, is if any of you have ever had this occur in

> your lambs? The vet said if I get a response from others that, yes

> , they have had lambs like this.. I'm probably looking at a

> potential genetic issue that is passed on some lines.... Where as

> if this is pretty much unheard of, it is likely a birth defect, and

> something just didn't come together right while she was developing.

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