[Jacob-list] Who and Where are the Show Flocks???????

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Wed Mar 5 21:03:15 EST 2008

Since we are working at conserving/preserving a rare breed and the primitive characteristics that are an integral part of our breed, I don't think you'll find any flock that breeds just for shows. Hope not, anyway.

I'd like to see more Jacob classes at shows (although I don't much care to show - too many years of showing QH's burned me out). Winning or losing in an all breed class doesn't say much to me about the quality of the sheep. Breeders are working to educate judges on the breed standard.

There are some breeders that win alot at shows. Hope they contact you directly.

If you'd like to volunteer to keep records on show ring results, that would be fun. I'll be happy to help you set up a database if you need help.


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

> As you all know, We are pretty new to this, and are REALLY enjoying

> the show aspect (Mostly fueled by the winning) Am curious.. Are

> there breeders in the Jacob world that are known for their show

> sheep? And is there any record keeping as far as show ring sucess?


> Jennifer Tucker

> Moose Mtn Ranch

> Bennett, CO



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