[Jacob-list] Lambs

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Wed Jan 9 16:36:01 EST 2008

Congratulations! I've got another two months to go before lambs arrive, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's lamb pictures. Royal - any lambs at your farm yet?


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

> Last night we had thunderstorms and pouring rain. Today it is a

> sunny day and at 11 a.m. our first ewe lambed with twin ram lambs.

> At 1 p.m. I was putting out hay and heard a lamb crying and a

> second ewe had twin ram lambs in the hut. Both are in Chaucer's

> group, but Constible's ewes look close too. Have to go back out to

> feed the chickens and rabbits now.


> Carl



> Carl and Judy Fosbrink

> www.4hornfarm.com

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