[Jacob-list] polled ewes

Gail lgrisner at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 22 15:14:29 EST 2008

I'll try to send this again:

After reading Cathy's post on polled or ewes with buds, I was thinking it's too bad the polled ewes are considered less desirable. One of my original Jacob ewes is polled and she almost always blesses us with a 4 horned lamb. She and her 4 horned daughter are also our most friendly of the flock, which makes doctoring, shearing & such so much easier.

I have a question about wool length on our sheep. Except for our wether, no one else seems to have much length this year. I'm assuming part of this can be marked down to a really late shearing last year. Our sheared quit last year with out notifing anyone, so after not hearing anything from him by June, we finally bought shears and did our own. I was wondering if anyone has heard of or uses vinegar in the sheeps water, to aid in faster growth? I had read something about this somewhere(I read so much & then can't remember where I saw it) and wondered, if you could get them to drink it, if it would really help?
Thanks again, for making me feel comfortable enough, to start posting again.





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