[Jacob-list] halter breaking rams

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 17 11:35:31 EDT 2007

I only halter break the ones going to a fair - so this year we did four rams at 4 fairs plus just one back from A Wool Gathering (Yellow Springs-Xenia OH) In 2005, I sold the Res CH ram halter broke to someone and we were able to lead the ram from the back pasture in the woods all the way up to the house where we sat on the front steps filling out the paperwork and the ram kust laid down and grazed- they were really impressed and still have THAT ram.

After the ram is an adult I put a better halter - nylon - on him so he is easier to snag and move to a new location (still might take two people to move one though)

Linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net> wrote:
How many of you halter break your rams?

I used to raise Quarter Horses and my stallions were alot easier to handle than some (make that all) of our rams. I do realize that a relationship with a horse is abit different than a relationship with a sheep! This year I am halter breaking my ram lambs with the thought that I will be perceived as the BOSS by the boys. Jacquee's Junco http://www.patchworkfibers.com/list/junco.jpg came to me as a five year old. He'd been halter broken as a lamb and was even in a movie. It was a biblical movie and he was the biblical sheep. Despite those massive horns and his rather impressive look, he was the easiest ram to handle I've ever had. He wasn't afraid, so I didn't have to worry about cornering a ram and having him fear charge me. He was trained to submit once a person had a hold of him. Not too mention that Junco was (actually still is as he's still working in Maryland) a serious pig and could always be enticed by a piece of bread.

I just came across this link about rams http://www.plfkarakuls.com/art-ram.html It's an interesting read.


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn
Jacob-list mailing list, sponsored by Swallow Lane Farm & Fiberworks
Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com

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