[Jacob-list] Naming

critterland at bendcable.com critterland at bendcable.com
Fri Mar 16 14:53:32 EDT 2007

My farm is named, rather inelegantly, CritterLand Farm. It started as a joke in my family, and all of a sudden it stuck, and then my BIL made me a big metal sign with that name--so I'm CritterLand. Individual "critters", whether sheep, goats, alpacas, or any of the other various animals that find their way here, are usually named for either appearance, behavior, or specific incidents. I have a sheep named Chewee because her dam was so enthusiastic about cleaning her off at birth she chewed half her tail off before I figured out what she was doing and stopped her. Flipsie was born rather rapidly while her dam was stuck upside down ("flipped") on her back, wedged between a feeder and a wall in an area she wasn't supposed to be able to get in to. Miss Priss walked like she was too good to touch the ground and had facial markings resembling pursed lips. Sometimes my warped sense of humor takes over, as well.... one year the first ram lamb to hit the ground af
ter a long series of ewe lambs became ShaNaNa (after the group of the same name), because of one of their songs--- he had a "rama lamba ding dong". So, with the exception of one maternal line of goats whose names all begin with J, critters around here can wind up with just about any kind of name imaginable.


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