[Jacob-list] new on the list

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Mon Jul 9 18:24:47 EDT 2007

Welcome to the list, Monika! I know you'll love your Jacobs - we all sure do. Do you know anything about the history of Jacobs in your area?


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

> Hello, my name is Monika Hirschi and I am lifing in the French Part

> of Switzerland (Le Locle). Since the 23rd of June I own my first

> Jacob ewe

> with a ewe lamp. I am very happy. I found lots of information on

> the jsba, Linda's and also of some hp's wich link I found in the

> list.


> I think the mouth of my ewe lamp is not really good. She can eat

> fine but if it will not get better, she will not be a breeding

> girl. Anyway at the

> moment I am happy with them. To bad that it is to expensive to

> import from your continent. I am looking for new blood out of a

> flock in Austria or

> Germany. I will tell you if I found a good ram. With Linda's

> permission I put the standard with a link to jsba on my homepage. I

> would love to put the list-members hp to if you want.


> Does somebody have a picture of a splited eye?


> Have a beautiful day!

> Monika

> www.wildwillow.ch

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