[Jacob-list] Help, Is this one of those scams?

Juliet & Gordon westergladstone at btinternet.com
Mon Dec 10 16:41:56 EST 2007

She seems to know quite a bit about Soay sheep except that Soays are not polycerate though about 10% of the population is scurred. The other thing about Soays on St Kilda is that the only cause of death is starvation. Also Hebrideans are not from the neighbouring island of Boreray - Boreray sheep come from there. Hebrideans are generally regarded as coming from the Uists and Lewis, being the remnants of the original ancient Scottish Shortwool or Dunface sheep - and they are polycerate. We have examples with 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 horns. And scurs. North Ronadsays are splendid little sheep, rather like multi-coloured Shetlands. They are excellent swimmers.
Just for interest and correctness.

Gordon in Scotland

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