[Jacob-list] Ram Housing suggestions needed

JACI SIEHL wedohoney at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 25 00:31:58 EDT 2006

I am about to get my first ram.  I live in a heavily wooded 2.5 acres with no pastureland.  Because of the protection given by the trees, my 4 ewes do not have a solid barn or enclosure.  We use a 10 x 20 canopy with three sides to keep them and their feed out of the wind and rain.  They have full access to our property, including our front porch.  We will be putting in some cross-fencing later this fall so the sheep will only have about 1.5 acres to use.  But as we plan our cross-fencing I need to know how much space a ram will need.
  I know I don't want my ram running loose like my ewes, but how large of an enclosure does he need?  What type of fencing has proven successful or less than successful?
  I appreciate any ideas.  Up to now, it hasn't been an issue, because we borrowed rams and didn't need to house one year around.
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