[Jacob-list] Snakes vs pigs and King Snakes ?Colloidal Silver?

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Sat Sep 16 17:49:30 EDT 2006

Last year Dave was working on a cabin way out in the woods (he's a carpenter). The owner of the place started yelling for everyone to come see.  There was a king snake in the process of swallowing a copperhead.  Both snakes were the same size.  He got a few pictures and it's pretty amazing.

Katherine - what's Colloidal Silver?


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

> A few years ago, I found a "ball" of snake in the woods beside our
> house. After some prodding, It appeared to be a snake with a tail
> on each end, but I soon realized that the head was in the middle. I
> had found a King Snake in the process of swallowing one of his
> subjects.
> Neal Grose
> North Carolina
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Katherine Wisor
>> To: Linda ; jacob list
>> Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:34 PM
>> Subject: [Jacob-list] Snakes vs pigs and King Snakes
>> I'm from Wilson NewYork.  Has anyone ever heard of "Rattle Snake
>> Hill" ?  Anyway you won't find anything but Gardner Snakes now. 
>> The people brought in PIGS to kill all the snakes .  Just
>> wondered of you knew that pigs are good for this dirty task?  I
>> like snakes , have all my life.  but thats another story ....  
>> anyway  whenever my neighbors  find a snake they call me . 
>> Poison one are dispatched BUT King Snakes are saved  because they
>> also "DO IN" in any poisonous snakes .  Plus I NEVER see them
>> again .  Must be TOO busy eating!    Anyway just wanted  to add
>> something positive here .  Yes always have Benadryl , Betadine, 
>> Aspirin  and Colloidal Silver for humans and animals >   Thanks 
>> > Katherine
>> www.creeksendfarm.com
>> Katherine Wisor RN
>> 400 Dawn Circle
>> Charlotte NC 28213
>> 704-598-8373
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