[Jacob-list] goring and wild

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at sover.net
Wed Mar 15 05:54:59 EST 2006

I spend lots of time with my girls, but not the boys.  I just have this 
feeling that every once in a while, despite their best efforts at being 
friendly, a little more testosterone than normal seeps into their brains, 
and they get a little too RAMbunctious for my own good.  I also keep the 
rams separately except for 18 days a year, when they are breeding.  That 
helps a lot.  I don't have to pay much attention to them, and they stay a 
little strange with me, except of course for old Abner, who is a sweetie, 
but who still rules the roost, so has lots of power in those old bones.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Victoria da Roza" <castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com>
To: <Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:53 PM
Subject: [Jacob-list] goring and wild

> Cannot tell you how many times our ram added to our
> massive bruise/scar score.  I think of that everytime
> I glance at his head on the wall :-)We have a much
> calmer new ram so far this year.
>   As for Jacobs being wild?  We spend time with ours
> and they stand on the fence when we are nearby and
> they nibble our hair when we sit in chairs close to
> them.  They all wear collars and bells and gather
> around me when I am doing anything with them.  We have
> a small flock but recently sold 2 ewes to an animal
> education farm where they let the kids come in and pet
> them when they are learning about fibers.  They are
> working out great for them.  So as with all animals I
> think it is what you want from them, how many your
> dealing with and the time you have to put in.
> Obviously, we, being retired, have the time and also a
> small herd and can do this with ours.  I find the ewes
> very sweet.  Victoria
> Victoria
> Castle Rock Farm
> Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats
> www.castlerockfarm.net
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