[Jacob-list] Lamb harness sellers

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 11 18:56:46 EDT 2006

Lama supplies - I like usefullamaitems.com 1-800-635-5262
  Mid-States Wool Growers has sheep halter/leads    
ARTHUR PARTRIDGE <aztreaz at earthlink.net> wrote:  I was wondering if anyone can suggest a good, reputable lamb harness dealer
on-line.  I  can't find the harnesses in the local stores, they only have
adult sheep ones.  I have one lamb harness that I really like, but I can't
find it, I might've left it at a buyer's place.  It is/was a baby llama
harness with straps that cross under the chin, there's a ring under the
chin that a leash can be hooked to.  Sure was a good harness, very secure,
easy to put on.  I have been looking for another one for years.  A Google
search shows several llama supplies dealers.  Any suggestions on a good
dealer?  If you write to me privately, we have our spam filter set on high,
ignore the message from Earthlink. 
Thanks, Cathy
Moscow, Idaho

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