[Jacob-list] RE: Polio in sheep

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 31 17:49:07 EST 2006

Could this be white muscle disease?  It's primarily a deficiency in
selenium, a problem in parts of the country where soils lack selenium.  I
know people who give their new lambs BO-SE shots whether the lambs need it
or not.  I just make certain my ewes have enough selenium in their diets to
pass on to the lambs.  The vet should know about BO-SE injections and
should have some on hand at the vet clinic.
Moscow, ID
--Original Message--
>Does anyone know anything about Thiamine deficiency induced 
> polio. It's too late to call my vet ( 12 hours shifts are hard 
> on sick animals) Sat. I found him totally flaccid ( a now 3 weeks 
> old ram) who developed paralysis one weeks ago during the heavy 
> rain here in Charlotte. Dr Bob said to give him 2 cc sub q 
> Thiamine 500 mg/cc , b12- 2 cc , syrup or Karo syrup OH 
> Dexamethasone 2 mg / cc (gave 2cc) , In case it was low b/s due to 
> mother rejection and not knowing how long since she stopped feeding 
> him he coved him for hypoglycemia . Within 1 1/2 hours he could 
> balance on his front legs , 2 hours to move well enough to get up 
> from the floor alone . In 3 hours he could walk well enough to go 
> back to the pasture. I am bottle feeding him now but tonight his 
> hind legs are flaccid again, it's so sad... No spinal injury 
> obvious.

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