[Jacob-list] The perfect sheep

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 8 20:41:27 EST 2006

My first ram was perfect in every way, except some aggression early in his
life and one other thing, he had a "Roman nose".  For anyone not familiar
with a Roman nose, it is a large, obvious raised area on the top of the
nose.  I read somewhere that this is not a desirable trait in Jacob rams. 
I never bothered to register him.  What is the current view about this
trait?  I'm pretty certain that on the JSC webpage there is a 2-horn ram
with a Roman nose on the homepage; in fact he looks like my first ram.  I
will check to see if he is still there.
Thanks, Just wondering.......
> Cathy
Moscow, Idaho

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