[Jacob-list] breed standard question

Bill Hyslip slipclan at mindspring.com
Sat Apr 15 12:29:12 EDT 2006

Here are a couple of the answers I received on the topic of pink noses turning dark with age.  Unfortunately I already deleted the others....but they followed along the same line.


"Hi Bill, 
Most of my lambs that are born with pink septums turn dark as they age.   In fact, I can't think of any that did not.  Hope your young ram does the same

"Yup, that's what it means, Bill.  Most of those pink nosed ones turn black within a year, usually starting within a couple of months.  You'll see little black freckles starting and then, miraculously, the pink noses go.  Good luck.  Very rarely, iit doesn't happen and then you have an unregisterable fellow."
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