[Jacob-list] Scrotal circumferences

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 21 09:58:31 EST 2005

Can't help on the question except to suggest that the Sheep Improvement ?whatever or a university extention office might want to fund a study on this subject.  I think the guy in charge at OSU (OH) is Roger High.  Maybe I can get contact info on him if anyone is intererted in following up, more officially.

snielsen at orednet.org wrote:  Cathy Partridge wrote:

> Can anyone help this lady? Her sheep sound about the same size as the
> Jacobs. I don't know anything about this subject.
> I know that larger is generally better but I can't find any data...

I'm sorry to laugh, and I have absolutely nothing worthwhile to contribute
to this, but you ought to have seen the spam analysis attached to this
subject line and content. It's good that the Jacob-list prefix appears on
list messages. The Internet was never meant for farmers...


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