[Jacob-list] RE: Jacob goats/sheep

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 6 20:54:47 EST 2005

When I was a kid we had Toggenburgs (goats) some of which have horns.  When I first saw the Jacobs at the fair, they seemed very goat-like except for the beautiful fleeces.  The exhibitor was Gene Funston who took the time to talk to me about his beautiful animals.  I told him I might be interested come Spring - but he had to part with his stock due to a health problem, so Spring came in Dec, just a few days before Christmas and a few days after my neice had a baby that she had named Jacob - was that God hitting me on the head or what?  I now have the two Jacobs I got from Gene in 02 and and 19 more.  One of those sheep Jill produced a ram now owned by Rayma King, then a ram now owned by the Columbus Zoo and a ewe I will breed before selling to another new Jacob breeder.
Sheep are better than goats, they don't escape very often (usually after we are careless with a gate) and you don't have to milk 'em 2x a day.  Most of my ewes are halter trained and easy to lead, some two at a time.

Linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net> wrote:
I did a spinning demo last weekend at a farm day and the owner of my primary feed store stopped by and browsed my Jacob SHEEP/NOT GOATS photos.  A couple of days later, I was in the feed store and someone was asking a question about goats - he said "ask Linda, she has goats".  
I know I've told this story before, but I'm going to repeat it since there are new members and it is my all time favorite "sheep/not goats" story.  The house we lived in before we moved here last year was built in 1888.  This used to be a very small community (with really large families and no hospitals), so we got to know alot of people that were sons/daughters or grandsons/granddaughters of people born in the house.  A granddaughter came with her son to show him the place his great grandmother was born.  Very polite teenager.  He kept referring to my sheep as goats.  I explained that they were sheep.  After a while, he finally informed me that no matter what the sellers had told me, I had come home with goats.  
Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

On Sat, 5 Nov 2005 12:47:30 -0500, Kelly Przylepa and Rich Moore wrote:
> I wouldn’t use cotton balls-there’s plenty of fleeces around here J
> My husband says the problem with going as a Jacob sheep is that
> everyone will think you are a goat!
> Kelly P
> Firefly Farm
> Glenville, PA

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