[Jacob-list] Abner

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Mon May 23 18:44:31 EDT 2005

Pretty neat!  Is that the summer issue?  My issue is always a few weeks behind most people's.  The first thing I'll do is look for Abner's picture.

What's New at Patchwork Farm?

On Mon, 23 May 2005 17:51:52 -0400, Betty Berlenbach wrote:
> Hey, All,
> Just heard from a friend that my ram, Abner, made the pages of Spin-
> Off this month...a photo.  No nothing about the article or why he
> was in the article, other than he's a looker, along with another
> ram, one of the Culloden progeny, which I got from Mary Ellen
> Hansson. Now, I'll have to go check out the article.  The woman who
> took the photo last year did email me and ask if it was okay.  I
> said, sure, just mention my name!  I am spinning his fleece right
> now, Katrina...it's as gorgeous as ever! Betty!

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